Why WMS Software is Key to Unlocking Your Supply Chain Problems 1 - WMS Software

You’ve read it in the headlines. It affects everyday life whether you are the consumer or a product supplier. Severe supply chain backlogs are crippling product sales everywhere and it’s not only costing companies significantly but straining customer relationships. Issues can include late shipments, persistent out-of-stocks, and disgruntled end-users, to name a few.

With no supply chain relief in the near future, you must have a strong grasp of your current warehouse management system (WMS) software and its capabilities, or lack thereof. Does your current WMS software live up to your expectations? If not, a re-evaluation may be in order.

To be the most efficient, and therefore most profitable, during and after this dreadful supply chain crisis, the right WMS software can help you succeed.

Top Benefits of Exceptional Warehouse Management (WMS) Software

  1. Better Inventory Visibility – If your current WMS software is constantly experiencing problems or not providing you real-time updates, it can lead to considerable operational problems. With a more powerful WMS software system from Logimax, you can view up-to-date inventory data to see what’s actually in stock and ready to go during all points of the distribution process. From receiving to stocking to storing, having a clear picture of exactly what products are on hand means you can maintain the appropriate amount of inventory, process orders, and ship on time without issue. A great WMS software also provides valuable forecast information to help you get a jump on reordering stock in enough time to avoid supply chain problems.
  2. Lower Operating Costs – If your current WMS software is not providing data in one or more areas, it can drastically affect your overall warehouse operations. A great deal of time can be wasted having employees searching the aisles to locate products because your software doesn’t allow for proper inventory tracking. The right software from Logimax can lower your operating costs by helping you plan your warehouse space and labor as efficiently as possible. A superior provider can aid you in determining the proper inventory location, shelving set-up, and pallet arrangement, plus the equipment needed for the best functionality.
  3. Optimal Security – It is critically important that your WMS software provides the highest security to thwart threats to your operations. Security breaches will cause even more problems on top of the current supply chain crisis. Are your warehouse operations truly protected through your current software? A superior system allows you the ability to create audit trails so transactions are tracked to specific employees, therefore reducing the risk of theft and improving accountability. Software with user-access controls means you decide which team member has access to specific levels of information across your organization.
  4. Just-in-Time (JIT) and Just-in-Case (JIC) Inventory – Just-in-time (JIT) inventory ensures you aren’t holding large amounts of inventory for long periods of time, while Just-in-Case (JIC) inventory imagines the worst-case scenario for your most critical items (think semiconductors or, two years ago, masks and hand sanitizers) so you don’t run out. It’s a balance that requires forecasting and continually adjusting that forecast as things change. Your WMS software should enable you to set and update reorder levels and to exchange that information in real-time with your suppliers and customers. Whether you distribute sourced products from overseas or are kitting for local manufacturers, if they can’t keep you stocked and you don’t have products to store and distribute, it will hurt your bottom line.
  5. Improved Billing Management – Billing tools or modules built right into WMS software or that can seamlessly integrate with third-party apps make the process of managing A/R and A/P a snap. By adding a multi-functional software package from Logimax you can manage WMS billing without the hassles and added resources that may be necessary with less powerful software.
  6. Enhanced Supplier and Customer Relationships – Good relationships are more important now than ever given today’s uncertain supply chain atmosphere. With advanced WMS software, you can shorten wait times at the dock doors by scheduling inbound deliveries and outbound shipments, all resulting in faster turnaround times for customers. Couple this with radio frequency tools to drastically improve order accuracy and fulfillment. The result? Your increased reputation for responsiveness will ensure your customers are more than satisfied with your performance.

See how Logimax software can put your company on the right track today.

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